jeep cj2 1948
tim saw this jeep in the bushes and wanted it bad so it was payday and he bought it.
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This is how we found our '48 2A..buried in trash in a mans driveway for 15 years!!
The Willys CJ (later Jeep CJ) (or "Civilian Jeep") is a public version of the famous Willys Military Jeep from World War II. The first CJ prototype (the Willys CJ-2
jeep cj2 1948
jeep cj2 1948
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1949 Willys CJ2 Jeep
Günstige Gebrauchtwagen
Jeep CJ - Wikipedia, the free.
1948 Willys Overland Jeep CJ2A - YouTube Günstige Gebrauchtwagen