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Brand Comparison Conoco - Docstoc – We.
P/N* Product: Base Fluid: ISO: SAE: Equivalent(s) Glygoyle 220: PAG: 220-Omnilube PGG 220 FG: Glygoyle 30 Gear Lube: PAG: 220-PGWS 220: Glygoyle 320: PAG: 320
Mobilgear 634 Equivalent
Cross Reference - Scribd
mobilgear 630 equivalent citgo
Mobil SHC 630 Equivalent11.11.2011 · views: 1584 posted: 11/11/2011 language: English pages: 116
Amoco: P/N* Product: Base Fluid: ISO: SAE: Equivalent(s) 972-0068-A000. Group II or III: 68: 20: NA: Amokon 32: Petroleum: 32: 10: 32S: Amokon 68: Petroleum: 68: 20 Mobil 630 Gear Oil Equivalent Company:
Tompkins County MSDS used since 1993 as of 03/18/2010. L # MANUFACTURER MODEL# CODE LINK
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